Role Play > Alice Campaign

Always Ascending

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The story so far....

Once upon a time 6 strangers woke up inside a dungeon. All of them remembering dreams of a rave filled with people and dancing and blue pills. In the dream there was a giant form of a woman turning people into women and devouring. Back in the waking world, when they look over their weapons they notice that their personal weapons are now inlet with pearl.

On their way to to find the grand egress, they run into a sextet of kobolds who also possess pearl accented weapons. When a scuffle begins our party discovers that none of the weapons in this place are causing damage, but instead lowering their willpower and increasing their sexual desires until becoming a mindless writhing lust slave. After the fight, they do a little test, and after a headbutt from Retiaria's horns cause actual pain and damage, they become covered in pearl like the weapons.

The team starts to look for a way out, and the loud mouthed bard, being impatient, falls into a hole. When the others free him from the pit, they find he is in the form of a shapely upper crust elf woman instead of the half-elf that fell into the trap.

The group holds up in one of the rooms. Overnight dreams and kobolds take the dragonborn paladin and dwarf cleric changing them into very very well-endowed women. A blue pill playing a key part in their change. Pressing on to escape a trap transforms the final male and half-elf rogue of the group into a literal elf princess.

The women continue on into a confrontation with a rhumba of pear shaped goblin women. It's a tough fight, but they are able to press on. Finding the goblin girls' camp, they rest for a bit.

Finally they find a room with a lemon woman offering her assistance in the form offering goods and services for money. While all the new women see the swank room, the original ladies see abandoned squalor. After a spiked drink and roll in the hay with the bard, Retiaria sees the fancy room, leaving Naethra alone seeing what may or may not be the truth.

Bantering with the group Amber smiles taking the Tieflings goods. "Well.. seems you've found some quite pretty trinkets." She passes back 25 GP in this places currency. "That should do it." She then offers a stout shield off the wall. As Retaria picks it up and straps it to her body, it phases into being for Naethra Retria's presence seeming to bridge the two layers of reality.

She then takes the mail and with a small clack of a jewelers hammer hands back a single pollished steel ring.

The leather armor is similarly reduced to a single iron circlet to be worn on the elf's brow.

"Anyone else want their protective gear made more convenient? I'm given to understand that the potential for change only grows as you go up."

She slices Duran off six days worth of ration bar and wraps them. Then she smiles and places six of her lemon scones that he had asked about into a cloth and ties it up, "Here you go cutie. These are on the house."

I hang back near the wall. It's something both of my... histories seem to agree on this being a good thing to do, but for very different reasons. Once I realized that I'm comfortable on the periphery because the proper place of a properly demure lady is out of the way I almost stand and throw things just to make a scene, but staying in the background of a situation I don't well understand and observing to best know the dynamics I'm working with seems like the right thing to do as well...

The princess in me agrees, and so I sit and watch everyone, legs folded discretely beneath me.

"That's great, thanks!"

Retiaria put her new coin back into her bag then slipped the ring onto her finger, and gave the shield a few experimental swings before putting it down next to her trident.

Gwyn takes the circlet and places it on her brow. She makes an adjustment to make sure it's straight.

"How does it look? Is it straight?" she asks no one specifically, before adding, "I'm not actually royalty, but I might as well look the part."

She does note one thing that Amber says, "Potential for more change?? Go up? How much more up is there?"


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